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  • What's Happening? Mar 03, 2023
    2022 Teamsters Women's Conference "Deep-Rooted Sisterhood"
    by Diana Silva

    The 2022 Teamsters Women's Conference was held on September 18th thru September 21st in Seattle, WA.

    Teamsters Local 919 attendees included: Janet Fields, Terri Howard, Latasha Washington, Terrence Joshua, Larry Johnson and Diana Silva.

    The speakers at each day's General Assembly were very dynamic. The daily workshops available were varied and provided helpful information on topics ranging from TITAN, teamster benefits, FMLA, and building teamster unity.

    We were also part of over 1,000 attendees from the Teamster Women’s Conference to rally outside Amazon’s world headquarters on September 20th. We carried signs reading “Amazon hurts workers” and “Organize Amazon!” Conference participants were joined by Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, along with eight international vice presidents and other Teamster leaders.

    A sincere thank you to all the people who helped plan and make this conference a success with special thanks to Maria Ashley Alvarado, Director of the Teamsters Women's Conference.

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  • Diana S.

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