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  • Officers & Staff
    Executive Board

    Secretary-Treasurer / Business Agent
    Michael Silva



    Michael Silva is the Principal Officer of Teamsters Local Union 919 and is the Locals Secretary-Treasurer/Business Agent.  Mr. Silva is responsible for overseeing the Local Union's operations and finances.

    Before being nominated to Secretary-Treasurer of Local 919, Mike served previously as the Vice-President on the Executive Board of Local 919.  He also spent several years serving as a Union Shop Steward. 

    Representing our members at the Anheuser-Busch-Inbev Houston Brewery, Mike himself is very knowledgeable about all areas of the Brewery, being that he himself worked in the plant for many years.

    Janet Fields

    President Janet Fields  is required to fulfill responsibilities of Secretary-Treasurer/Business Agent (in his absence).  The President is required to preside at all Executive Board Meetings, enforce the International Constitution and Local Union Bylaws, counter-sign checks written by the Secretary-Treasurer and to see that all other Officers perform their duties.

    President Janet Fields has been a member of Local Union 919 for twenty-eight years and a Union Shop Steward for eighteen years at the Brewery on the third shift. She has served as Vice-President of Local 919 for six years prior to being elected as President.  She is an active member of Local 919 and of the IBT Women's Conference.

    Office Manager
    Diana Silva



    Dwayne Hill

    Vice-President Dwayne Hil is required to preside at all Executive Board Meetings, enforce the International Constitution and Local Union By-Laws.  He shall provide such other duties and render such assistance as may be directed by the principal executive officer. 

    Terri Howard

    Recording-Secretary Terri Howard is required to attend General Membership Meetings of the Local Union and the Local Union Executive Board and to keep Minutes of the proceedings.


    Trustees : Eugene Baymon, Jonathan Brown and Kerry Yancy are responsible for conducting monthly examinations of the books of the Local Union and to report the results at the Membership Meetings. They are also required to sign the books of the Secretary-Treasurer if they have found them correct and the bank balances verified.

  • Diana S.

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